Friday, November 28, 2008

Just a few minor inaccuracies
is actually about me in a Boston Market attacking the 50 year old man who kept on stroking my arm and asking me questions about my pregnancy. Fucker.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Gobble gobble

Enjoy your Thanksgiving as I count carbs and test my blood sugar.

(Yes, I am whiny today, and feel guilty because I truly have so much to be thankful for, and usually I am, but I feel like crap.)

Monday, November 24, 2008

Another trip into the personal

KS, on side, a bit sticky, BF with cupped hand above her: "Wow! Oh-there's a towel on the door."

BF: "Towel? I can't wipe this on a towel! I have to pour it down the sink!"

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Squeaky squeaky

The shower balloons in the back seat have been driving me nuts for two weeks. I haven't wanted to bring them into the house because there has been mountains of baby stuff to organize, but...what to do with them? I've probably cause every major accident along I84 in CT due to the blocked rear view.

My son took the matter into his own hands yesterday as I was driving him to school and groaning about the helium filled annoyances. He stabbed them with a pencil.

So, we pretended to talk in high voices for the rest of the trip. I hope the son I'm gestating gets me the way this one does.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


why a sticker on a banana says, "Pocket size fun".

Friday, November 14, 2008

La da da da da da, feeling stupid

Turns out a bunch of songs that I like are all by Beck. I could have sworn Where It's At was by Sublime. Then again, I thought the lyrics were, "I've got tap-tap-tappers and a microphone".

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Where in the world is...

For any person thinking of using an on-line people search-HA! I just checked out a few names-including my own. My ex-husband is still listed as a possible relative-at 70 years old. My little brother's age is, apparently, 63 (making me the oldest pregnant lady in the WORLD.) Although I've never lived out of state, to my knowledge, evidently I am quite the mover and shaker and have resided in the south. Sure, there is a period of my life made hazy by alcohol abuse (fortunately, most of my exploits are chronicled in a now defunct blog, so I have SOME clue about the years 2003-2005), but I'm pretty freakin' sure I never packed up and moved all my belongings to Georgia.

I've reached the point in my pregnancy where I can no longer look between my legs to catch a glimpse of the morning dump; nor do I have the flexibility to turn around and look down the back. You always miss the little things...

Monday, November 10, 2008

Doo bee doo bee do

Huh. If I hid my profile many, many months ago on Yahoo, then how did I just get a profile view? Showing up pregnant to meet a guy would be hysterical (if you don't factor in the harm it would do to the relationship with my boyfriend, of course, who rocks.)

One of my girlfriends was unable to attend my shower due to a babysitting glitch. I had her believing a monkey unexpectedly showed up at the restaurant and ruined the cake. Sigh. Sometimes it's too easy.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Oh Yeah-

Go Obama!!! WOO HOO!!!!

Just steps outside suburban CT

Overheard at Walmart...

first grader: "Mommy, there was a cupcake sale and I didn't have any money."
Mom: "Oh, I didn't know there was a cupcake sale, or I would have gave you some money. Did your teacher buy you a cupcake?"
Boy: "No."
Mom: "She didn't buy you no cupcake? That teacher should have bought the kids with no money cupcakes."

And, at the grocery store next door...

Different mom, with two boys, maybe 8 and 9. She's looking at condoms, then notices her son is chewing.
"What the fuck is in your mouth? Throw it the fuck out."