Monday, March 3, 2008


End of a training session, a sore KS with the beginnings of an ocular migraine, screaming quads and tight hamstrings.

Trainer (31, in shape, handsome, intelligent. Had a short crush on him 5 years ago, which I barely remembered until...): Lie down on the floor. We'll stretch you out. I'm trying to get more therapeutic again.

KS (a rodent into light bondage) lies down on her back, arms outstretched. The trainer has her bend one knee and fold it across the other leg until it almost touches the floor, while he...

uses his right arm to hold down her left arm, his right knee to apply pressure on her knee, and his left leg is stretched out across her right thigh and a bit of torso, his left arm on her right shoulder.

I swear to God, if I were a man, I would have felt something move.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bender: Oh and wouldn't that be a bite, huh? Missing a whole wrestling meet!
Andrew: Well you wouldn't know anything about it, faggot! You never competed in your whole life!
Bender: Oh, I know. I feel all empty inside because of it. I have such a deep admiration for guys that roll around on the floor with other guys.

--T. Vernon Kanga