Friday, June 6, 2008

I can sit up!

Splish, splash goes something on my shoulder yet again. Oh, is her roof leaking? you wonder. Oh, my, no. Is she outside with a laptop on a rainy day? No, my dears, I do not own a laptop, and even I would know not to use it in the rain. Well, then, what could it possible be?

Well, darlings, it is a combination of earwax, puss and liquid draining from my right ear. Since Monday, I have defiled my usually clean home with dirty tissues, bowls of mostly untouched chicken soup, and thin piles of salt that were left after my tears of pain evaporated. I've lost four pounds (the baby is fine), stopped washing my hair, and I think, I think, I may have worn the same pair of underwear for more than 24 hours.

This was less fun than the Thanksgiving I had to pull the innards out of 30 semi-frozen turkeys.

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