Saturday, February 28, 2009

A little bit of this, a little bit of that


On the bright side, so far he has been accepted into the Honors program at UHART, with a $14,000 renewable scholarship, and (drum roll please) Trinity. Even though UHART is his "safe" school, and Trinity is fourth on his list, it is still such a relief (and, in the case of Trinity, a Holy Crap!) to have him accepted into two schools already. I was so psyched that he was called to have a local interview with Harvard (with an underesecretary of CT, no less), until we learned that Harvard tries to interview most applicants. It was still pretty cool, though.

The baby is cooing, smiling, and close to outright laughing. He still doesn't sleep for long stretches at night, which can be grueling, but he's a blast to be with during the day. Thank god for my mother-because the BF isn't here every night (and, due to Saturday's incident, hasn't slept here since Wednesday the 18th) he just doesn't get it-he'll call to tell me he's tired because blah blah blah. I'm not tired-I'm sleep deprived, and, if it hadn't been for my mom coming every day for a few hours, I would have seriously considered checking my self into the hospital. Of course, I have to remember the added stressors-getting taxes, FAFSA and the Profile done with a newborn, and thinking that I had to pack up to move (which I've put on hold-I mean really, what were we thinking?) and stupidly checking my work email to dicover my class has fallen apart. Anyway, today is a better day, the BF is going to stay the night-and even though my boobs may explode by morning, the baby is getting two nighttime bottles so that I can finally sleep.

Keep your fingers crossed for me.


Anonymous said...

Makes total sense--dude lives an exemplary 17 +/- years, puts in all the work, and gets half the coverage that the one who only eats, sleeps and shits does.

He may as well become an (R) now since he will have his inevitable epiphany when he opens up a paycheck while still in his 20s and says "damn, I paid more in taxes this year than I made my first year out of school."



Anonymous said...

Nice to hear from you!!!! :)