Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I'll fly you to the moon

You go right ahead, cranberry BMW with out-of-state plates whizzing by me on New Park Ave. Go ahead, zoom on past. There are two cop cars stationed three blocks apart from 4:45-5:15 for people like you. Oh, you're going to the gym, huh? Please, take that spot. Go ahead. Hmm, a young twenty something with 60 dollar Abercrombie shorts-betcha Daddy bought the car, didn't he. Rush in to get the next place in line for the spinning class. Really. No skin off my ass.

'Cause when you got pulled out of line for owing $17.09 and I sauntered upstairs to get one of the last remaining bikes, it felt, ooooooooooooh, so delicious, you over-tanned anorexic bitch bag.

And, oh, on the relationship front. What I've discovered is that, yes, indeed, I can love again. Trust? Nope.


Anonymous said...

Set me up on a blind date with her, I'll cum in her mouth and never call her again.

--Taupey, takin one for Team KS

(Shit, wait, she'll probably like that. OK--I'll fart during sex. A sure deal breaker).

Anonymous said...

Hey, ladee, was she alla skinny skinny or did she have sum nice titties? Dood, winner's cummin' and I needs me some.

--Manny S.

Anonymous said...

That'd prolly be yer Imola Red, yeah, run her like $300 a gallon if she, you know, scratched her car. Yeah. Plus labor and all. 'Spensive.

--Stan, over at Stan's AutoBody

Anonymous said...

I'D cum in her mouth and not call her.