Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Memorial Day snippets

Boyfriend to KS's dad:
"So, when you open the trunk, who do you think is going to be happy to see you, your wife or the dog?"

Teenagers, lined up, using best manners:
"KS, may we have some bleach?"
"For what?"
"The squirt guns?"

Two year old, singing at top of lungs:
"Mommy has hair on her hiney, mommy has hair on her hiney!"

Boyfriend's brother, upon arriving, to KS:
"Congratulations? I mean, it's a good congratulations, right?"
"Yes, of course, we're very happy."
"Oh, good! Here's a bottle of wine...that you can't drink..."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hiney looks right--it should be "Hiny" if it is from "hind." I think some people try to make it Germanic with "heiney." The German word for buttock is Hinterteil, again leading to the "right" spelling being "Hiny."