Friday, May 16, 2008

Poseidon Mokimoto, Jr.

Prior to becoming pregnant, I thought the invitations to join the moms' groups on Myspace were dumb. Now I think they're absolutely foocking stupid.

The only person at work that knows that I'm pregnant is the nurse. I love it. Healthy, huh, using a pregnancy to be passive aggressive? I do have a meeting in August so I imagine that it may be obvious by then, but if I could wait until the first day of school, I would. The annoying first grade teacher (who admittedly, comes into my room less often since I stopped acknowledging her when she enters during instructional time, though she still asks me for food) has begun asking me about activities for next year. I smile and agree with each one, while mentally rubbing my hands and laughing maniacally, because my plan is to be out from the December break to the April break.


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