Thursday, August 7, 2008

We may boast the best high school in the Northeast, but...

We had some rain. Lots of rain. So much rain, in fact, I could probably host a salmon farm in my basement-and have enough water for them to swim upstream. Thunder, lightning, torrents of water cascading from the sky. I live on the corner, and about an hour ago the Public Works department put up two horses (is that what those wooden barriers are called?) so that cars cannot turn right at the corner. Well, I just peeked out the window, and five cars, well two cars and three of the dreaded mini-vans-turned right into the left lane and continued down the street. And, guess what? Every single freakin' vehicle had to turn back because there is two feet of water flooding the far end of the street. Idiots.

Just got a call on the house phone. (No caller i.d.)
Hi, hi, hello.
(Ok, must be a prank.)
May I help you?
We're a remodeling company.
(Long pause.)
Well, good for you, nice to hear it. (click)

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