Friday, September 7, 2007

She's so bad at math, her ovaries can't count to 28

In my classroom after lunch: a 3 foot high hard rubber rat and and plastic mini rat attached to a trap that squeals, courtesy of the band of prankster lesbians.

My giggling but confused students watched from their seats as I pulled a large Simba from the closet, glued a black string to its mouth and added a post-it that said, "Mmmm. Tasty." We placed it in a large green canvas bag and *snuck it into the gym. At the end of the day, I removed the batteries from the trap and attached a note."Sorry about the batteries...but I'm a lonely woman."

Our contract clearly states no horseplay on school grounds, but it doesn't say anything about Tomfoolery.

*fine, not a real word. One of our regional "accents" is that we drop medial t's, and have non-standard past tenses. For example, "We pet the dog yesterday" is common usage in town, even among the edumacated.


Anonymous said...

This was shenanigans, or at worst monkeyshines, tomfollery indeed. There was no roughhousing, and certainly no gamboling*, so you're on the high side of the horseplay demarcation.

*(You're not on a reservation!)


Anonymous said...

I love roughhousing...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you and most Catholic priest/wrestling coaches. Rollin' around with sweaty boys, a thin layer of spandex between you and them. Oh the humanity.

Bender: Oh and wouldn't that be a bite...Missing a whole wrestling meet!
Andrew: Well you wouldn't know anything about it, faggot! You never competed in your whole life!
Bender: Oh, I know...I feel all empty inside because of it. I have such a deep admiration for guys that roll around on the floor with other guys!
Andrew:'d never make it. You don't have any goals.
Bender: Oh, but I do!
Andrew: Yeah?
Bender: I wanna be just--like--you! I figure all I need's a lobotomy and some tights!
Brian: You wear tights?
Andrew: No I don't wear tights, I wear the required uniform.
Brian: Tights.

--Taupey, messin' with the bull.

Anonymous said...

Ew, and ew.

Anonymous said...

Tanneran: I think you're dehydrated.
Louden Swain: No, I'm just the victim of a screwed-up nitrogen imbalance. Plus, I think I've contracted priapism.
Tanneran: What's priapism?
Louden Swain: It's a disease of a constant erection.
[Tanneran giggles]
Louden Swain: It's not funny, believe me! The girl of my dreams lives under my own roof, but she thinks I'm just a kid, a dumb jock, all of which is more or less true. I'm dying, Mr. Tanneran, just like that girl in the poem... only quicker, and with a hard-on.

--Taupey, still a rasslin'