Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Big Birds Don't Cry

Gee, I play footsies in the lav all the time, but does a cop ever come along and bring ME down to the station? Nooooooooo. All I ever get is some old, leathery octogenarian who borrowed her grand-daughter's Jimmy Choos.

Goshdangfreakin' nabbit. My house has turned into the suburban version of the Bermuda triangle. After a long and aggravating day, I foolishly decided that I would COOK, and not only would I cook, I'd pan blacken salmon. Hmm, hmm, hmm. Some spicy Mrs. Dash, a little cayenne pepper, and some cornmeal. Of course, when I reached for the cornmeal, my fingers fumbled and the cornmeal came a-crashing down upon the counter, stove, floor and feet. My feet. With the still damp touched-up pedicure. My Yahoo messenger icon is smiling at me, but is refusing to open, and my cell phone is saying, "Wait a minute" as it flashes every color of the rainbow, which is scary, 'cause believe me, no-one is special enough to me to get rainbow flashies.

As an aside, we have a new librarian in our school. Very tall. Very dark. Very handsome. Mr. Professional with a diamond earring that just hints at a little thug. Oh Mr. Librarian, have you Chaucer, Rabelais or Ballllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllzac?

And then...there's this. http://www.courant.com/news/local/fv/hc-whdrats0822.artaug22,0,441687.story I USED to be afraid of the squirrels. NOW I am willing to bribe them and enter an unholy alliance if they will just...keep... (ugh, can't stop shuddering) ...them...away.


Anonymous said...

S1: OK, Zac an Cody Mom ladee, we gon git dem rats for chu, OK, right. But chu gotta be the baits, OK?

S2: Yeh, cho dem yer breastses.

S1: Shut up Manolo. What you gon' do wit dem breasties anyways? NOTHIN man, NOTING.

S2: You, you shaddup.

S1: Oh, go on, I WILL cut you mang.

S2: Yeah (mumbles in Squirrelese). Whateva.

S1: So, anyways, ladee, chu give us say fity pounds of peanuts. An you stand next to the bag and sing:

"Ben, the two of us need look nooooo more...."

S2: I love dat song man.

S1: Mi Dios! OK, OK, so when that stinkin' rat shows up, chu just step aside and we take care of him. OK?

S2: Then you take your top off?

S1: ... (glares)


Anonymous said...

Dude, yer so freakin' funny, how come you don't write on your own blog too?