Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Drip drop

Sometimes I feel like John freakin' Henry when I'm out clearing the sidewalk with my orange plastic shovel.

On the plus side, SNOW DAY FOR ME!!!! Celebrated by spending $94 at Borders before 9:30 a.m. And tonight, it's sushi for the Valentine's dinner with the beau. Woo hoo hoo!


Anonymous said...

Another racist remark by a white suburban Connecticut liberal, analogizing her travails, excessive consumerism and raw fish molestation to the post-Emancipation quasi enslavement of African Americans by the steam shovel industry and the continued depredations *without* reparations!

And during Black Motherfucking History Month!

--Taupey Sharpton Jackson, III
The Keepin' It Keepin' On Coalition, a 527 exempt organization. Barack Obama had nada to do with this ad.

Anonymous said...

raw fish molestation-if I wouldn't feel guilty about it, I would laugh my ass off
(Taupey, you are priceless)

Anonymous said...

"The Radicalized Marsupial: A Manifesto" by Shaka Kanga, Zulu Warrior. *

* I found it exceedingly funny when Ophrah was told by a DNA scientist she's not Zulu. She cried and was apparently not listening when an ethnologist patiently explained that all African slaves came from a totally different part of Africa.

In an unrelated digression, I am waiting for Obama to empathize with his "people." He's the son of a native Kenyan.

Anonymous said...

My cousin Kai is a son of a native Kenyan, seriously.