Monday, October 22, 2007


Dear stupid fucking diary,

Forget it, where's the tequila. Not having liquor in the house seems like a good idea 95% of the time, except

Too late for the guard up thing, so now I'm more into him than he is into me, so to speak, so I have to do the talk thing, then explain why it's probably better that we don't see each other because (well, I may just love the guy) but one knows when it's not reciprocated, even if there is a genuine fondness and whole lotta of fun being had. Maybe some women would give an ultimatum, but if after 4 months the guy is still active on the personal sites that pretty much says it all. If you have to ask or tell him to take down his profile, it's probably not agonna work, and waiting much longer will just bring more insecurity, and wait long enough, heartbreak.

This sucks.

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