Tuesday, April 8, 2008


I ran into the guy who left me his number at the Bagel Shop on Saturday at ... the Bagel Shop (cripes, I need to get out more) and we chatted briefly. He was always good looking, but he had obviously spent some time hitting the gym because he chest looked broader, and his stomach flatter and his shoulders and arms...let's just say I noticed the changes. I tried my damnedest to just talk and not flirt, but old habits die hard.

He lives nearby and recently built a huge garage that looks like a barn on the back of his property. As I drove home from work on Monday, I could have sworn I saw a pig in his yard. I laughed to myself, because when I had seen him earlier, I had complimented him on the garage, but had mistakenly used the word barn instead.

Sure enough, Monday evening a text came.
"Are you still taken, or can we finally go out and have some fun?"
"Still happily taken, but I must admit I'm intrigued by a man with a pig."
"What pig?"


Anonymous said...

That's *some* pig.

Anonymous said...

Ees unfair dey give a nice role to dat Templ-tone rat dude, but no roles for de squirrels. What up with dat? And dem chippinmunks, done get me started. Eees squirrelism mang, ees what it is.

--KS 13

Anonymous said...

Pigs man, pigs man, ha ha *tosses bits of bacon to KS-13* charade you are.

de nada mi amigo.