Saturday, April 12, 2008

a la Bendy Girl

The son and I went to Cirque du Soleil on Thursday night, which was truly an amazing experience. At one point, I found myself staring with my mouth wide open, and at another, I realized I had drawn my knees up to my chest and had squeezed my eyes halfway shut. The highlight for me was hearing my blase, worldly son exclaim, "Holy cow, Mom, did you SEE that?!?"

The woman behind me must have certainly enjoyed the show, because not only was it amazing to watch and listen to, her husband was kind enough to narrate the entire first act.
"Look- see the kite? There's a string going from the top of the kite to the ceiling! THAT'S how they get it to fly."
"Yes, dear."
"Woe ho! See! He's distracting us while the other guy is doing the trick. THAT'S how they fool you!"

Beware David Copperfield! Watch out Penn and Teller! THIS guy is giving away all your trade secrets!

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